Walrus Wiki

The Elephant Seal is a large marine mammal if the genus Mirounga. There are two subspecies: Northern ( M. angustirostris) and

Elephant Seals

Male Elephant Seals

Southern ( M. leonina) elephant seals. Northerns are the smaller of the two, and can be found on the Pacific coasts of U.S., Canada and Mexico. Southerns are larger, and can be found along the shores of New Zealand, South Africa, and Argentina. Elephant seals are often confused with walruses due to similarities in size, shape, and behavior. However, elephant seals are larger than walruses, and much more aggressive. Bull elephant seals have been known to attack automobiles parked near the beach. Another way to distinguish walruses from elephant seals is the lack of tusks on the elephant seals' part. An elephant seals will never grow tusks, although the canine teeth are slightly enlarged for fighting. Probably the most discernible part of an elephant seal, though, is the big nose. Elephant seals are famous for their noses. The males use this giant sniffer to intimidate other males. They stick that huge schnoz in their mouth and nose whistle, creating a sort of resonating chamber. This noise can travel for over a mile. Elephant seals, as their name implies, are true seals. These can be distinguished from sea lions and


The flippers bend forward on walruses

walruses by the inability to bend the rear flippers forward to walk. True seals cannot do this, while sea lions, fur seals and walruses can. One thing that drives me crazy is people who can't tell walruses apart from seals (especially elephant seals) and sea lions. I:I (dude get over it you weirdo)
